Let’s Claim Our Creativity

Shall we?

But! I’m not a creative person! I can’t remember the last time I picked up a paintbrush and you’d laugh if I tried.

To that I’ll say: Let’s rethink our definition of creativity.

In Genesis, God made us in His own image. The Creator made creators.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:27 (ESV)

He does this right after He has finished speaking the world into being. God speaks, and there is light, sea, sky, plants, animals, and every other good thing. He creates with His voice–the ultimate display of power.

He then invites us to create alongside our Father. Of course, we aren’t in any way as powerful as He. We can’t make something out of nothing. But we can make something.

Consider which tasks Adam, the first man, is given.

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.

Genesis 2:15 (NIV)

The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field.

Genesis 2:20a (ESV)

He is to tend to the Garden and give names to the animals. God made it all, but Adam gets to participate in adding goodness and beauty to creation through work and word. I believe we all get to do the same.


Name it.

I included a picture of carrot cake because baking is one of the ways I like to get creative. Taking a bunch of ingredients and turning into something sweet gives me a sense of accomplishment.

Some other ways I exercise my creative muscle? Writing, of course. I deeply enjoy putting my ideas and feelings into words. I like knowing that each piece I write is something new, because no one can write exactly like I do. Also, I’d say decorating our home is a creative outlet for me. I love finding the right pieces and colors that create a cozy environment.

Maybe you’ve made a career out of writing, painting, cooking, or taking photographs, and you’re pretty aware of your creativity. For those who aren’t so sure, however, I think a great first step is to decide where you like to use your creative abilities. Take a look at the things you love to do, and enjoy the creativity in them!

Maybe you’re an expert organizer. You’re creating order out of chaos, and that’s great! Or you’re an avid car-singer. You’re creating a worship space right in the middle of your commute! Love that.

Claim it.

Once you’ve figured out your kind of creative: own it! It’d be a shame to miss out on the joy of creating if you’re too afraid to claim your identity as a designer, florist, or whatever else it may be. It almost always feels awkward to call myself a writer, but when I do, I know I’m giving God glory for the little ‘c’ creator abilities He’s given me.

This is very important: your creative outlet does not need to be a business or even something that you show off to the rest of the world. I REPEAT. Do not think you aren’t a true creative because it’s not your full-time job or even full-time hobby!

You create because your Father does. And when you do, you’re displaying His mark on you, whether you show others or sell your stuff or not. You’re participating in making good things just like He does, and that’s worth celebrating.

And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.

Genesis 1:31a (ESV)


What are some ways you like to be creative? Let me know below!

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