I’m Gabrielle, and I’m honored that you’re here.

A little about me:

I’m a wife, mom, marriage and family counselor-to-be, and writer. I’m passionate about living life with intention and worshiping in the everyday–I’m not afraid to make it all about Jesus.

I’m a 4 on the Enneagram. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Enneagram, here’s a quick overview: 4s are emotionally honest, creative, individualistic, romantic… and a little dramatic, moody, self-conscious, and hypersensitive. In typical 4 fashion, I don’t want to box myself into this description, but I’ll say it’s pretty accurate. And I’m laying it all out there because it all contributes to how and why I write.

When I was 13 years old, I fell in love with Jesus quickly and sincerely. I heard the same sweet gospel news that I had grown up with and knew that I needed to claim it as my own story. That I was a weary sinner. That Jesus died to pay for my sin and rose again to give me new life in Him. And that if I confessed and believed these things that I could spend forever with Him.

I vividly remember praying something like, “I need you. And whatever comes, I want to do it with you.”

Since that time over than a decade ago, there have been some amazing highs and serious lows that we have walked through together: growing up, college, marriage, moves, disappointment, friendships, loss, infertility, career decisions, confusion, grief, becoming parents, and everything in between.

There have been times I’ve gotten carried away and landed myself in trouble. I’ve also tried to put Jesus into a neat box in search of the “good Christian life.” I’ve kept up appearances while struggling inwardly and I’ve been messy on the outside while God was renewing my heart and mind.

I write as I learn to live out my days in worship. And I’m always discovering that God is both love and truth all at once. He’s with me and is not surprised by my huge emotions. He wants to guide me in the way everlasting without me having to carry the weight of perfectionism. I don’t have to have it all together, and I can experience life to the full through relationship with Him.

I see you, perfectionist. I definitely feel you, soft-hearted gal. I write to cheer you one, and I’m on your team. This world is loud, but we can fight to look up.

I hope you snuggle up, take a look around, and leave encouraged.